Thurday, 08/30 at Mechanical Engineering Building Room 253 from 7PM-8PM |
Tueday, 09/04 at David Kinley Hall Room 119 from 7PM-8PM
There will be two information sessions at the beginning of the semester covering the types of projects, clients, and events with which OTCR is involved. After the presentation, interested students will have a chance to meet and talk with current OTCR members.
Thurday, 09/06 at Wohlers Hall Room 245 from 7PM-8:30PM
The case training session will feature a senior OTCR member working through a case section-by-section. This event is open to the public -- and attending does not obligate you to apply. However, for those applying to OTCR, this is a great way to master your case training skills before the application deadline.
Due Online on Friday, 9/07 at 11:59 PM. Late applications will not be accepted.
The application consists of a challenge question that is designed to test your ability to develop a framework to tackle typical business problems.
Interviews will take place the week of 9/10.
OTCR Consulting's first round interviews consists of two portions: 1) a behavioral portion and 2) an analytical portion. Within the behavioral portion, OTCR Consulting is looking to identify individuals with high internal motivation, strong leadership skills, and diverse personalities. During the analytical portion, OTCR Consulting is looking for an ability to break down a problem and work through it in a logical and concise fashion. This is done through a short McKinsey-style case.
Interviews will take place the week of 9/17
OTCR Consulting's second round interviews are more heavily focused on the traditional case interview. The case will be interviewee led. The skillset needed to succeed is similar to that of the first round case: an ability to break down a problem into manageable and understandable pieces, to draw concise conclusions from available data, and to engage in a focused conversation with the interviewer.
The interview will take place on 9/26. Location TBD.
OTCR Consulting's third round interview is a group interview. Within the field of consulting, you will be put into situations with plenty of unknowns and unique challenges. This group interview is a way to test your communication and team-work skills in response to these problems.